Ursula von der leyen

My Europe

Why did von der Leyen delay announcing her team? | Radio Schuman

What are the real reasons underlying European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen delaying announcing the portfolios for her executive?…


Why did von der Leyen delay the announcement of her team? | Radio Schuman

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen will not announce her list of European Commissioners today, but on the margins…


Centre-left MEPs fire warning over von der Leyen Commission picks

Leaked reports on Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's choice for her new executive suggesting that her European People's Party…

My Europe

Draghi’s report on EU competitiveness: Five key takeaways

Former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi's long-awaited report on Europe's competitiveness has finally seen the light of day – and…

My Europe

Ursula von der Leyen delays presentation of new team of European Commissioners

Ursula von der Leyen has delayed the presentation of her new team of Commissioners and the policy areas they will…

My Europe

Draghi’s report risks colliding with EU political reality | Radio Schuman

A key and controversial recommendation of former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi's competitiveness report was for Europe to have recourse…


Draghi’s report on EU competitiveness – five key takeaways

Former Italian prime minister Mario Draghi's long-awaited report on Europe's competitiveness has finally seen the light of day – and…


Slovenia nominates Marta Kos as EU Commissioner in response to call for more women

Former diplomat Marta Kos has been named Slovenia's new European Commissioner nominee after Ursula von der Leyen lobbied the government…

My Europe

Von der Leyen’s big reveal, Newsletter

Key diary dates Monday 9 September: Former Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi to present his findings on competitiveness. Tuesday 10…

My Europe

Could the European Parliament reject Italy’s commission nominee? | Radio Schuman

How will the European Parliament treat Italian Commission nominee Raffaele Fitto, who appears touted for a powerful position in the…

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